Friday, June 27, 2008

Supplement Income - Part 2

Professional Shopper

Most people shop on a weekly basis for groceries. However, busy professional couples, the elderly, busy parents or people with other commitments for a particular weekend may all need someone do their shopping for them. If you are near a retirement community you could build up a regular clientele. Get a list of items to be purchased as well as a store preference. If you have the time, review the food store ads that appear in the local paper each week so that you have an idea of what specials and sales may be going on. Suggest some of these to the customer. Normal fees for this service vary. A percentage of the total bill is normal although you might want to set a fixed price if you are dealing with people on a fixed income.

1 comment:

Supplement Income said...

This is true. Good viewpoint for someone who wants to become a Grocer. Thanks for sharing. :)